Sunrise at The Esplanade, Newcastle. NSW. Photo was taken during our roadtrip from Brisbane to Melbourne in Spring Break 2016. |
Just wanted to drop in and say hi. Not like a lot of people are reading this though but at least you know I'm still actively trying to blog.
It's Week 5 of the semester and submissions are starting to dawn upon us uh-oh. Workload's getting heavier after a week of break. I'll blog about my Easter break in another post coming soon. So far, so good for me. I have one submission this week and another one next week, both are a 1k word essay. It's pretty hard than what you think it is because you gotta be able to construct concise sentences when you have so many ideas to talk about. Last semester, I had to do an 800 word essay and I swear it will be an essay I will never want to do again because 800 words is so little, it's so limited. I just can't....
I'm trying out this new diet (?) if you can consider it as a diet. I have managed to, unconsciously, not eat chicken for 6 days straight a week before Easter Break. So, I pretty much think I can do it again. I'm trying to test myself and see how far I can go without chicken in a week.
Also, I can't believe it's April now. Time flies so fast when you're having fun. I'm not kidding when I tell you that I am having fun despite having to fulfill my duties as a MASCA representative and a student. I think I can find balance between work and my study. I actually like dong my CR work, to be honest, but it has slowed down because classes have started. As much as I 'membebel' it to Azmir, we all know how much I love it. I feel dedicated and obliged to bring in the best opportunities for my students here in Queensland. Although Queensland does not have many students like Victoria and New South Wales, but I will not let that be a reason for me to stop pulling in more opportunities for the students here. We have a lot of great talents here in Queensland, I just need to find the right ones (and interested ones, too) to allow them to expand and unleash their potential.
On a personal note, I like where I am today. I'm not fully contented but I'm fairly satisfied with what I have. I'm happy with the people that I'm surrounded with. I'm truly blessed to have known these wonderful people and for having them around when I need them. It's gonna be hard for me when they graduate because they're not gonna be physically around (and also I'm a cry baby). And I'm also very happy with the person I'm with now. It's still early but at least we're working towards one mutual goal. And I like the fact that we're so different, we complement each other really well. And I'm just really happy now. He's the most adorable thing on Earth, cats coming in second lol.
Have a nice day ♥